Guest Blog: Dev Kaneria
Dev at the Colosseum in Rome I'm excited to introduce a new feature on "Jet Set Jess". Each month we will be profiling a new guest blogger; either a friend, colleague, or in this case a friend of a friend who shares the same love for travel, exploring new places and new experiences just as much as myself and all of you. This month I'd like to introduce Dev Kaneria, a logistics agent, former teacher, and part-time counselor with Rein Teen Tours , which provides travel opportunities for teens that would like to do service projects both domestically and internationally. Name: Dev Kaneria Age: 32 Current Location: Philadelphia, PA Occupation: Logistics Agent, Part Time Summer Counselor As a teacher, Dev had the luxury of relatively unoccupied summers and has luckily been able to continue his travels post-teacherdom as his current field also tends to be slow during the summers. In addition, his role with Rein Teen Tours has allowed him to travel the globe whil...